Monday, May 24, 2010

What are you doing?

I was quite confused by what this guy was doing, so I stopped and asked him. He actually gave me a 20 minute answer which was quite interesting and let me use his hearing stick!

So, it turns out that he's a private engineer. Britain has recently privatized the water companies and he's one of the guys who comes out when something's broken. They have automated metering equipment that can tell them when they have a leak in the pipe. So that's what he's doing, trying to find where the pipe is leaking.

Unfortunately, the pipe is new (and shouldn't be leaking). This means that it's PVC pipe instead of the old metal pipe they used to use, which makes it much harder to hear what's going on. He opened up the little water main cover in the road and showed me that the pipe was leaking, and then let met try to listen to it using his hand-held old school listening rod. He was really nice.

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