Friday, May 21, 2010

Party at Stanmer House

Welcome to Stanmer House, location of the Black Rock Studio Split Second release party. According to Wikipedia:

It stands very close to Stanmer village and Church, within the Stanmer Park. Constructed by the French architect Nicholas Dubois in 1722 in a Palladian style for the Pelham family, it incorporates the remains of an earlier house, and was again altered in 1860.

Although I suppose we still don't know who this Stanmer fellow was. He has a park, a church, a bus stop, and apparently a manor house. It was a really fancy party with lots of stuff to do. The party went from 7:00 until midnight, and I was even entertained until about 9:30 or 10:00 before I retreated to my book. And for those of you who know how much I like parties, it means it must have been quite a good party.

The people here were very friendly. This is one of the artists who worked on Split Second. I don't know his name, he was just nice enough to pose for a picture showing the front room.

Of course, every party has to have food, and this one was no exception. However, the room they served it in was exceptionally fancy.

This party didn't only have food, it had race cars. I'm can't believe there exists a man who actually packs around a race car track for parties. But apparently he does exist, and they found and got him here. Fits very well with a party for a video game about car racing don't you think? I was 4th in my heat, but didn't win any fastest times. Doesn't really matter, since all the prizes were bottles of red wine.

The really picturesque thing at the part were the fire jugglers. There were two of them, a young guy and girl. While the light was on it wasn't too hard to get a picture of them. But once it got dark things became more difficult.

And due to the shiny flames on their vests and pants using a flash wasn't going to help. Luckily I noticed that my camera had a setting for fireworks. And if I held really, really still I could get some very interesting shots of their fire apparatuses!

Here's the girl wearing a skirt of fire.

The girl had a hula hoop that had six points of fire on it. It made a nice pattern.

Here's the guy swinging his flaming nun-chucks around.

More firey nun-chuck action from the young lady.

And this is why you don't want to fight a guy wielding firey nunchukku.


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