Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The City of Brighton

The city on the sea. Its odd, but I'm starting to think that perhaps this isn't where British people go for the summer. I mean, its nearly the end of may and its quite cold here (for summer at least). I'd say mid-forties, perhaps low-fifties. But, it is the ocean, with the nice salty breeze and the loud, squawking, seagulls.

Although I suppose Brighton is not that small a city. The driver told me on the way down that Brighton was a city even though he said "I always thought to be a proper city you had to have a cathedral".

I swear I've seen pictures of this pier somewhere before, but I can't remember where that would have been. The place is fairly touristy, with some amusement park rides along with some arcade games and gambling. And their doughnuts smell very much like fried dough from the county fair. Hey look, a Canadian flag!

They also have a walkway along the beach like in Manhattan Beach, but I swear that I never remember seeing anyone in Manhattan Beach bundling up to go for a walk along the sand.

And, of course, the whole city isn't located along the water. There are plenty of parts further inland as well. They look more like your traditional European city. If it weren't for the double decker busses I might be back in Rennes again. Well, that and the fact that everything is written in English. Although, there are a lot people I pass on the street who seem to be talking French. My work buddy says that a lot of French people come to visit here and some of the students take French in school.

Along with the normal, modern, streets. There are a few places in town that have the old, tiny streets of yesteryear.

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