Friday, May 21, 2010

Pastoral England

Since Black Rock had just released a super hit game (it's at 83 on meta-critic and has even received a 100% from a few reviewers) they decided to throw a really nice party. Fortunately for us, although we didn't think so at first, there was no transportation provided to the party. So my work buddy Huw (the guy in the picture, pronounced Hugh) and I decided we'd take the number 25 bus up to the park and walk in. Good thing we did, because it was an absolutely beautiful walk.

It was exactly like I thought the English country side should be like.

And of course, no walk through the English country side would be complete without coming across a very old and small church.

According to the sign on the door, this 'spot' has been used for worship since the late 800s. That's right, 800 AD. The doors were locked, so we couldn't get inside, so we wandered around the outside which was nice as well.

We looked through the cemetery around the chruch, but the earliest grave we found was from 1864. Although some of the gave stones (like this Celtic Cross) were really quite beautiful.

They also had some strange trees hanging around out back. Maybe Ramona/Aliumvonail can tell us what they are. She's my resident gardening expert :)

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