Friday, May 21, 2010

Black Rock Studio

So Black Rock Studio is the premier racing game studio. One of the best in the world. They put out an ATV racing game a few years ago (Pure), and have just released the highly anticipated Split Second. A racing game that allows you to blow up the scenery to slow down your opponents. It's really quite a fun game.

We're on the sixth and seventh floors which gives us a nice view over the city, and from some windows there's a view of the water. I was a bit confused earlier today as I looked over my shoulder and the wake in the water looked only a dozen yards away. Since we're on the seventh floor I thought that was quite odd. But, then I realized it was just a big wake from a large motorboat pulling a water skier around and without any context (we see the water through two other buildings) the water looked closer than it was. I'll get a picture through that window later on, it's too dark at 10:30 pm too see anything right now.

Black Rock has decided on an open seating area. It's both nice and problematic. It's fun to be part of conversations that I wouldn't otherwise be a part of, it generates a nice feeling of camaraderie. But, some people talk fairly loudly and you get strange parts of conversations. For example, I still don't understand why the guy two rows down thinks his entire row is worthless at gambling.

They office is split up into rows, with 4 computers on each side. My neighbor is out on comp time because they just released their last game, but he should be back next week.


  1. Brad! I just played a demo of split second....Fantastic!!! Chris thought it was good too...which is saying something. :) Love the blog.

  2. It is an awesome game. I'm still stuck at the end of episode 8. But I got to play test some stuff while they were fixing a multi-player bug. It's the first time I've played a game at work because I was supposed to.
