Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday on the Beach

So this is Brighton beach, you can see all the people walking along the sea-walk and lounging around on the 'sand'. They have a business here I haven't seen before. They rent out chairs, sun-hats, and beach umbrellas to those who come down to the beach. I think you're supposed to get a ticket and then pick out your chair from one on the sand or in bins stashed around the beach. I wonder if they don't do it in other places because people steal the chairs or something.

Here's a closer look at the beach. Notice that it's not a sandy beach, but ocean smoothed pebbles (or rocks) I've heard that they figure in another thousand years or so it should have been worn down into sand. The other thing I've heard is that the water here isn't that nice, that it's polluted. But it can't be too polluted as people still swim and play in it. Although the waves I've seen aren't even as high as those in Manhattan Beach.

They do have a sandy area down here though. The first time I went past these guys were playing volleyball. When I came back later in the day it was just an open area with kids playing in it. So I suppose these guys must have brought their own net and poles.

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