Here are some ladies teaching young kids how to walk on a tight rope. The ones teaching are those in the funny hats and swimsuits.

And a little further down the way there were a bunch of people learning to hula-hoop. I thought it was kind of odd until I saw the whiteboard. It said that someone (whoever had put up the whiteboard) was teaching people to unicycle, hula-hoop, and walk a tight rope. Apparently it had been going on all week and whoever it was was going to put on a show this evening. It didn't say what type of show just that at 8:30 there would be a preshow and at 9:00 was the SHOW!!!! I did end up going to that but that's my next post.

After walking through the park I headed to the centre of Brighton to look at the little shops they had.

There was a traditional old comic book store with boxes and boxes full of comics of all types. To me it looks just like a stereotypical comic book store, which I don't think I've ever really seen before, just on TV.

And there was a nice man with a bonzai store. Notice that there is no floor, just planks and some gravel. He told me that "It's so I don't have to Hoover." I asked him if he had just traded the hoovering for weeding to which he replied that he hadn't pulled a single weed since he started the store, 20 years ago. It was interesting to learn that, according to the proprietor, you can make any plant/shrub/tree into a bonzai tree. The term bonzai refers to the way you style it not the type of plant itself. He said he had a redwood bonzai, a lilac bonzai, and an apple bonzai if I wanted to buy one.

As I moved through town I headed back towards work. This is the clock tower that sits just up the street from the office. I don't know that it's really that important, but I've heard lots of people use it as a landmark so I thought I should take a picture of it.
Once I got to the office I noticed that Huw was there as well, so we decided we'd go have some Fish & Chips at the famous Fish & Chips place on the Brighton Pier. The fish was pretty good, even though I sat down to eat so I didn't get the famous newspaper wrap. They were good enough I'll have to go again, although I don't know what will happen to the newspaper if I add as much vinegar next time.

While we were heading down to the pier we heard this loud music coming from somewhere. Turns out there were some kids who had a first floor apartment with a balcony. They decided to serenade all comers. There is a basist and guitarist plugged into small amps and a drummer who, as we all know, is loud enough without an amp.
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