Friday, May 28, 2010

Ghost Walk of the Lanes

So instead of going to a movie, I thought I'd try something a little more British instead, a walking tour! The only one that I knew about around here was a ghostly walking tour talking about spooks and spectres that haunt the Lanes in Brighton's old town. It was kind of fun especially considering we go down to the Lanes for lunch most days, so now I know a little more history about this part of town. I'm sure it would have been much more exciting if you were into ghost stories, but the actor playing our guide was decently entertaining none the less.

Here's our story teller telling us about old John Robinson. Yeah, I hadn't heard of him either. Turns out he might have been an inspiration for the Scarlet Pimpernell as a younger man, helping nobles escape the French revolution. Later in life he went to the middle east as an adventurer and became a mercenary. Unfortunately he fought for the wrong side and lost his eyes to a hot poker. An English gentleman took pity on the man, who was now a beggar in Tehran, and brought him back to England. Somehow, the beggar made it back to Brighton (where he was born?) and currently he haunts the old center of town now called the Old Steine. The plastic head was used as a replica of him due to the missing eyes.

There was another story about a young french women (portrayed by the long haired girl on the story teller's right) who was accosted in her room by a spirit (sounds provided by the chap on the story teller's left). It was pretty funny seeing their reactions to the story teller trying to get them to play out their parts, especially when he brought out a fake rubber hand so the guy could act out the spook's cold hand running along the French lady's thigh.

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