Monday, May 24, 2010

BBQ at Tim's Place

This is a photo of the town of Hollingdean. It's a nice little place where a co-worker friend, Tim, lives. He's generously donated his home so that some of the guys from work can have a nice barbecue. And I thought that this could be an excuse to introduce you to some of the people I work with.

Tim is sitting there on the left. I think he works on build and testing suites. He also seems to work as a project manager while the other project manager (Nathan) is still on vacation.

In the middle is a guy who's name I can't remember at the moment. But, he even though he's a programmer in the Core Tech Group (CTG) he likes making electronic music and taking pictures of people placing his iPhone in front of their mouths. The program on the iPhone has a mouth that moves when it hears noise, so he gets funny pictures of people using it.

The guy on the right is named Waldo, he's from Belgium. He's working as a technical artist and his schooling requires him to have an internship as part of his education so he came here. I think, but am not positive, that he was offered a real job here and will be leaving on holiday in a few weeks but will be returning in a few months as a full time employee.

The guy on the right is named Mark. He's a developer in CTG and he really likes Doctor Who. He seems to be really good with kids due to the fact that his sister was born five or six years later than him and he took care of her as a child.

The girl with her back to us is Mark's wife. She's a pretty interesting lady. She's Italian, learned to shoot an AK-47 as a girl, got her master's degree at Cambridge, took a class from Stephen Hawking, and did a bunch of the initial lab work for the cloned sheep Dolly. I'm pretty sure I only heard a few of her stories that afternoon.

The lady standing up with the child strapped to her is Tim's wife, who's name I can't remember :( She is also well educated, having gotten her PhD in environmental science. She was a very smart and charming lady. The little boy she has strapped to her front is named Gabriel who is Tim's and her first son.

The two women looking up at Tim's wife are two other wives of people who work in CTG. I don't remember which is which. One would be Shep's (who's real name is Mark) and the other would be Julian's. They talked to each other a lot and I only heard from them a little bit, so I don't know much about them.

Then on the far left is Julian drinking a beer. At least I think it's Julian. I only met Julian today at work, but he looks like the guy in the picture, so I assume it's him.

The shoulder wearing the white shirt on the left side of this picture is Clemente. He used to live somewhere in France but I think he lives here now and is a full time employee at Black Rock.

The darker guy in the black shirt has a long name that I can't remember, but everyone seems to call him Babis. He made some very tasty tzatziki sauce for our burgers, which was excellent.

The other guy in the chair is Huw. He's my work buddy. At work they try to assign you a buddy who has been here longer than you and can answer questions you might have about the area and such. Huw is another intern from Disney Research Zurich and is here at Black Rock working on 3D stereo stuff. He is originally from Melbourne Australia.

The guy in the grayish shirt is another Mark, but everyone apparently calls him Shep. He's another programmer in the CTG group, but I'm not sure exactly what he does yet. There is one other guy at the BBQ (the red shirt behind Shep), but I don't remember who he was as I haven't seen him around work. He might have been one of Tim's neighbors.

Well, that's some of the gang. One important person that isn't here is my boss Kenny. I think he had already headed up to Scotland to visit some family or something. Oh well, we might get a picture of him some time later.

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