Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Brighton Marina

So on Saturday the 12th I didn't have anything to do because I had to stay in town so I could see the USA vs. England World Cup game (score was 1-1 by the way). So instead of just hanging out at home I figured I should go out and do something. So I headed downtown to see what I could see.

While I was walking along the beach, I noticed that there was a tiny little train station. The train said it would take passengers to the Brighton Marina. A few days earlier Huw had told me that he had spent 30 minutes walking out there so I figured taking the train would be much faster.

Once I got to the marina I walked along the break water. From the break water I could see the entrance to the harbor itself.

Apparently a lot of people enjoyed fishing from the edge of the break water. I even talked to a few Brits who had just come back from Vancouver. Apparently I was good luck because they had been fishing for four hours before I came and hadn't caught anything. But while I was talking to them, they caught six fish. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that they'd just moved to a new part of the break water.

While walking on the eastern break water you could see a huge building up on the cliffs. I was told later by someone at work that it's a fancy private girls' school. I couldn't find it on Google Maps, so I guess I'll just have to believe him even though there's a girls school near there but not at the same place I saw the large building.

The other interesting thing you may have noticed is that apparently Dover is not the only city with large white cliffs. There's even a windmill out there for some reason. I'll have to go there some day.

Some of the boats here were really nice, although most of the nice ones for sale were over 100k.

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